临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网[ lín yuān xiàn yú,bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng ]
⒈ [It
例 is better to return home and weave net than standing by water and admiring fishes;one should take practical steps to achieve one’s aims; It is hard to catch birds with an empty hand; It is vain to fish without a hook, or read without a book]比喻空怀壮志,不如实实在在地付诸于行动。
英It is better to return home and weave net than standing by water and admiring fishes; one should take practical steps to achieve one’s aims; It is hard to catch birds with an empty hand; It is vain to fish without a hook, or read without a book;
⒈ 见“临河羡鱼”。
临渊羡鱼[ lín yuān xiàn yú ]
⒈ 比喻虽有愿望,但只凭空妄想,难收实效。参见「临河羡鱼」条。
- yú shàng bīng鱼上冰
- yú kǎo鱼薧
- dù xiàn妒羡
- mù yàn fǔ yú幕燕釜鱼
- yú xí鱼檄
- lín méi临没
- lín fēng yù shù临风玉树
- mǎ jiāo yú马交鱼
- yuè yú月鱼
- yú zhì鱼炙
- lín jiē临街
- liáng yú良鱼
- lín kě zhī jué临渴之掘
- fēi yú dài飞鱼袋
- sǐ lín qīn死临侵
- yú lì鱼利
- ēn yú恩鱼
- guān yú鳏鱼
- hún shuǐ mō yú混水摸鱼
- fǔ yú釜鱼
- yú wěi cǎo鱼尾草
- yú jiàn鱼剑
- lín dí临敌
- xīn xiàn歆羡
- jī xiàn奇羡
- yú xū鱼须
- xiā yú虾鱼
- wén chāng yú文昌鱼
- jiǎ yú甲鱼
- jiē xiàn嗟羡