民脂民膏[ mín zhī mín gāo ]
⒈ 比喻人民流血流汗创造出来的财富。
英the hard-won possession of the people; fat of the people; flesh and blood of the people; substance or wealth of the nation; the people's lifeblood;
⒈ 同“民膏民脂”。
清 钱泳 《履园丛话·臆论·官久必富》:“今日之足衣、足食者,皆昔日之民脂民膏也,乌足恃乎!”
民脂民膏[ mín zhī mín gāo ]
⒈ 人民用血汗换来的财富。也作「民膏民脂」。
英语lit. the fat and wealth of the people (idiom); the nation's hard-won wealth (esp. as an object of unscrupulous exploitation), the people's blood, sweat and tears
法语ressources provenant de la sueur du peuple, richesses accumulées avec le sang et la sueur du peuple
- mín mìng民命
- mín xū民圩
- sàn mín散民
- nǎo zhī脑脂
- mín xué民学
- gāo yú膏腴
- diào mín调民
- gāo lú膏炉
- mín qíng tǔ sú民情土俗
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- hé chéng shù zhī合成树脂
- quán mín jiē bīng全民皆兵
- héng mín横民
- lí gāo táng梨膏糖
- mín cí民词
- yín mín淫民
- zhèn mín镇民
- rǔ gāo乳膏
- qiū yè gāo楸叶膏
- mín lèi民累
- mù mín穆民
- mín zōng民宗
- mín xiào民校
- é gāo xùn鹅膏蕈
- mín biàn fēng qǐ民变蜂起
- lǐ mín俚民
- fèng gāo凤膏
- méng mín尨民
- gāo wèi膏味
- zhí mín zhǔ yì殖民主义